About Marko

Introducing Marko

Marko enables users to overlay digital instructions directly onto real-world assets, simplifying complex data retrieval and enhancing decision-making on the field. MARKO improves workforce productivity by offering intuitive and interactive guidance, bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds. This tool is ideal for industries looking to streamline training, maintenance, and operational workflows through advanced AR technology.

MARKO simplifiesindustrial processes

Enhancing Training and Knowledge Transfer:

Provides intuitive AR-based instructions, reducing training time and improving knowledge retention.

Streamlining Maintenance and Operations:

Offers real-time, on-site guidance, minimizing errors and downtime.

Improving Communication and Collaboration:

Enables easy sharing of AR manuals, facilitating better teamwork and understanding.

Optimizing Data Management:

Makes complex data accessible directly in the field, aiding informed decision-making and boosting productivity.


MARKO supports industrialoperations (maintenance repair) by:

    • Real-Time Guidance: Fornisce sovrapposizioni di realtà aumentata (AR) per istruzioni passo-passo durante attività di manutenzione e riparazione, riducendo errori e tempi di inattività.
    • Hands-Free Operation: Consente ai tecnici di accedere ai manuali e alle istruzioni senza l'uso delle mani, migliorando efficienza e sicurezza.
    • Expert Knowledge Transfer: Permette agli esperti remoti di guidare il personale in loco attraverso procedure complesse utilizzando la tecnologia AR, garantendo riparazioni accurate e tempestive.
    • Data Integration: Si integra con sistemi esistenti per estrarre dati rilevanti, aiutando i tecnici a prendere decisioni informate rapidamente.

MARKO supports industrialasset management by:

  • Real-Time Asset Information: Provides AR overlays with real-time data on asset status, enhancing monitoring and decision-making.
  • Maintenance Scheduling: Integrates with maintenance schedules to alert technicians of upcoming tasks, ensuring timely interventions.
  • Inventory Management: Helps track spare parts and tools, reducing downtime due to missing components.
  • Documentation: Allows easy access to manuals and maintenance logs through AR, improving efficiency and accuracy.
  • Condition Monitoring: Facilitates AR-based condition assessments, enabling proactive maintenance and extending asset lifespan.

MARKO supports advanced industrial training by:

    • Interactive Learning: Uses AR to create immersive training experiences, enhancing understanding and retention.
    • On-Demand Training: Provides real-time, on-site access to training materials, enabling continuous learning.
    • Customizable Content: Allows creation of tailored training modules specific to company needs and equipment.
    • Simulating Real-World Scenarios: Enables trainees to practice complex procedures in a safe, controlled AR environment.
    • Remote Expert Support: Facilitates remote guidance from experts during training sessions, ensuring accurate skill transfer.

MARKO supports post-sales industrial service by:

  • Enhanced Troubleshooting: Provides AR-based guides for diagnosing and resolving issues, reducing service time.
  • Remote Assistance: Enables remote experts to assist on-site technicians through AR, ensuring accurate repairs.
  • Interactive Manuals: Offers customers AR user manuals, making it easier to understand and follow maintenance instructions.
  • Efficient Training: Helps train service personnel with interactive AR modules, improving their skills and efficiency.
  • Data Collection: Integrates with service databases to track performance and provide insights for continuous improvement.
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